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2021 Samsung IT Journalism Awards

Alicia Camphuisen Best New Journalist
Stephanie Panecasio
Highly Commended - Jini Maxwell

Best Gaming Journalist
Jini Maxwell
Highly Commended - James Parkinson

Best Telecommunications Journalist
Paul Smith
Highly Commended - Josh Taylor, Jennifer Dudley-Nicholson

Best Security Journalist
Brett Winterford
Highly Commended - David Braue, Patrick Gray

Best Technical Journalist

David Braue
Highly Commended - Angharad Yeo, Krishan Sharma

Paul Zucker Best Technology Industry Journalist

Paul Smith
Highly Commended - Eleanor Dickinson, Yolanda Redrup

Graeme Philipson Best Columnist

Mark Pesce
Highly Commended - Paul Smith, Rae Johnston

Best Technology Issues Journalist

Daniel Van Boom
Highly Commended - David Swan, Jackson Ryan

Pioneer of IT Media

Graeme Philipson

Best Business Coverage

The Australian Financial Review
Highly Commended - iTnews and Which-50

John Costello Best Business Technology Journalist

Simon Sharwood
Highly Commended - David Braue, Jack Derwin, Tess Bennett

Best News Coverage

The Sydney Morning Herald
Highly Commended - iTnews, The Australian Financial Review

Cass Warneminde Best News Journalist

Rohan Pearce
Highly Commended - Justin Hendry, Ry Crozier

Helen Dancer Best Consumer Technology Journalist

Josh Taylor
Highly Commended - David Braue, Jackson Ryan

Best Consumer Technology Coverage

Highly Commended - CNET Australia

Best Reviewer

egan Jones
Highly Commended - Alex Choros, Chris Griffith

Best Gaming Coverage

Highly Commended - CNET Australia, Good Game Spawn Point

David Hellaby Best Media Relations

David Wolf
Highly Commended - Doug Johns, Salvatore Di Muccio

Best Corporate Content

David Braue
Highly Commended - Chantelle Schmidt, Storyation, Which-50

Best Independent Media

Vertical Hold: Behind The Tech News
Highly Commended - Redaktor

Best Journalist

David Braue

Best Title

The Australian Financial Review

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