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Samsung Australian IT Journalism Awards: December 14th 2021

We are pleased to announce the revised date for the 2021 Samsung IT Journalism Awards is Tuesday, December 14th 2021.

This date has been selected with close reference to the continually updated medical advice, and the pathway out of lockdown that has been outlined by the NSW Government.

Our sponsors for this event - our name sponsor Samsung Australia; and partners Amazon Web Services, Atlassian, Canva, and Watterson Marketing Communications - have all offered their continued support in this most difficult time; and we are eternally grateful for their unwavering support of this event.

Event Delivery

Our intention is to hold the physical event at the Luna Park venue with livestream as per last year. If there is a sudden surge forcing lockdown again, then we will hold an online awards event on that same date.

We will share further updates closer to the event around housekeeping, such as seating arrangements, vaccinated / unvaccinated attendance, and so on. In the meantime, we do ask that you hold that date, as we are very much looking forward to seeing you all, and celebrating the best in Australian IT Journalism once again. Stay safe and we hope to see you soon!

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