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  • How to enter:
    Please submit up to three articles that do not exceed 9000 words in total via the Lizzies submission form.


  • Criteria:
    Subject Matter: Judges will score the subject matter out of 10, based on originality, importance, general interest and usefulness.

    Insight: Judges will score the article for insight out of 10, based on accuracy, the value of the insights, and the quality and relevance of the sources/opinions.

    Content Quality: Judges will score the articles, videos or podcasts provided for their quality out of 5, based on writing quality, production values, and entertainment value.


  • Important:  Podcasts and videos are no longer permitted outside of the new Best Audio/Video Program and Best Corporate Content categories, except in the form of excerpts no longer than 15 minutes. For example, an individual award entry may consist of two articles and a fifteen-minute audio or video excerpt. This is to ensure a level playing field between written and audio/video content.




Best Consumer Technology Journalist

The Helen Dancer Best Consumer Technology Journalist award recognises the journalist who has best used the news and features format to cover important technology issues for a mainstream audience.

PLEASE NOTE: This category does not include reviews, how-to or tutorial content, which should be submitted in their respective categories.

Best Business Coverage

Best Technology Industry Journalist


The Best Technology Industry Journalist award recognises the journalist who has best covered the ICT Industries in Australia or New Zealand. This includes content written for and about IT businesses, including vendors, distributors, resellers and services companies, as well as shareholders or investors in those companies.

PLEASE NOTE: Content written for and about business users of technology should not be submitted in this category. This includes recruitment stories. Content written about telecommunications companies should not be submitted in this category.

Best Gaming Coverage

Best Business Journalist

The John Costello Best Business Tech Journalist award recognises the journalist who has best covered business technology for users including CIOs, IT managers, IT professionals and business executives.

Best Gaming Journalist


The Best Gaming Journalist award recognises the journalist who has best covered gaming and the gaming industry.

Best Telecommunications Journalist

The Best Telecommunications Journalist award recognises the journalist who has best covered the telecommunication industries in Australia or New Zealand. This includes content written for and about the telecommunications sector.

Best Security Journalist​

The Best Security Journalist award recognises the journalist who has best communicated on matters of technological security and the security industry.

PLEASE NOTE: Reviews will not be accepted in this category.

Best Technology Issues Journalist​


The Best Technology Issues Journalist award recognises the journalist who has best communicated on social and political issues surrounding technology. This includes broad social and cultural issues like privacy and digital identity, as well as public policy and its effects.

PLEASE NOTE: Reviews will not be accepted in this category.

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